2011년 10월 6일 목요일

3 credit report free Oklahoma

3 credit report free Oklahoma

2: "Checking your credit hurts your credit scores." Fact: Checking your own credit reports and scores does not affect your scores. A credit check could hurt you if you asked a friend at a bank or car dealership to pull your credit reports. Such transactions probably would be coded as "hard" inquiries, or as 3 credit report free Oklahoma applications for credit, which could ding your scores. But checking your own credit is otherwise a non-event.

This persistent myth is particularly destructive, because it discourages people from knowing what's going on with their credit reports and scores. Many 3 credit report free Oklahoma reports contain serious errors that result in your being turned 3 credit report free Oklahoma down for a loan or paying a much higher interest rate than you deserve. government credit report free

You need to visit AnnualCreditReport.com at least once a year to view your free credit reports from the three bureaus and dispute any serious errors. If you'll be in the market for a major loan, such as a mortgage or an auto loan, you'd be smart to buy your FICO scores from myFICO.com to see how lenders are likely to view your application and get tips from improving your numbers. 3: "Asking for lower limits will help your credit." 3 credit report free Oklahoma Fact: Having sizable credit limits is a good thing for your scores, as long as you don't use them to run up debt. all three free credit reports Lenders like to see a big gap between your available limits and the amount of credit you're actually 3 credit report free Oklahoma using. A lower 3 credit report free Oklahoma limit reduces that gap, which can be bad news for your credit scores. Of course, if you can't trust yourself not to use your available credit, the damage to your 3 credit report free Oklahoma credit scores may be the least of your worries. Otherwise, though, you probably should leave your credit limits alone. 4: "You need 3 credit report free Oklahoma to carry a credit card balance to have good scores." Fact: You don't need to be in debt or pay a penny of interest to have good credit scores. official site for free credit report

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